Mesh check

How to Check for Polygons with More than 5 Sides in 3ds Max

If the object is created with N-gons, the computer needs to interpret this back into triangle form, adding an extra cumbersome step.

  1. Select the clothing mesh and enter polygon selection mode.

  1. Go to Selection and on the right side under By Numeric, set Sides:4 and choose [Greater Than(>)].

  2. Click on the mouse cursor icon.

  3. You can check all faces with more than 5 sides selected.

How to Check for Polygons with More than 5 Sides in Blender

  1. Select the model and press the Tab key to switch to Edit Mode.

  2. Choose [Select] - [Select All by Trait] - [Faces by Sides].

  1. In the Select Faces by Sides option at the bottom left, set Type to Greater Than.

  1. Setting Number of Vertices to 4 will allow you to select all faces with more than 5 sides.

Check Unnecessary Vertices, Polygons, and Edges

Please clean up any unnecessary vertex traces or mesh fragments.

Check Inverted Mesh

If the faces are flipped when resetting the pivot, please correct them to their original state.

Do Not Use Groups

If you are using group objects, ungroup them and merge the meshes into one.

Last updated